Monday, January 14, 2008

1:53 AM / 14 January

I thought I'd give everyone a quick update on my current situation so here goes...

Everyone better pray for me. School is hitting me and it's hitting hard. A lot of presentations to prepare for. Need to get my web service up and running for my deadline. Argh! And after that I still have things to worry about. Godammit.

I just came back from work. I gotta say, working at CBTL is fun. Get to meet a lot of nice people. Especially the foreigners. Though with my pekak ears it's kinda hard to hear some of them through their thick accents.

I actually have quite a few things in store for this blog. Once I have the time, I'm gonna start putting up stuff that is more from me and not just videos from YouTube. Stuff like poetry, philosophies that I have come up with, my thoughts on current affairs and all the likes. The music part will still be here. I can't live without music so it would be just dumb to leave that out. Oh yeah, I also have this story that I have been writing in my head. It's in bits and pieces now but I really want to get started on writing it. Just to fill up my time. And maybe some pics here and there. The camera on my phone is quite good so I'll try not to waste that.

So yeah. That's it. No video today. I dunno what video to put up so I just decided against it. Maybe on my next post after my exams are done.
