Saturday, December 23, 2006

51st Post

I'm back. And not a moment too soon...

To all the members of my project groups : If you have any questions pertaining to projects please ask me only after Christmas. I am still very tired. Please understand.

I was going to post all the photos I managed to take before my phone went flat but I realized that they are mostly just pictures of me or my relative's cats. I'll post them up some time soon though.

I managed to get a pair of jeans, a couple of T-shirts and a book from there.

Don't study Economics, study Freakonomics.

I need to either get a pair of Timberland boots, surf shoes, Chuck Taylors or Puma sneakers...Care to make the decision for me?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Holidays Are Here...

Holidays are here. Finally. Any more school and all the petty arguments that come with them and I'd be dead. Or actually the idiots arguing would be dead. Dumb muthafuckas arguing over the lamest shit in hell and doing the most idiotic things one could ever imagine of. Argh!!! Hope you get this letter for you. Small-minded neanderthals.

So yeah. Holidays are here. Thank goodness. I need the rest and the away time from my class. I don't hate my class. I swear. Really. That's the truth. That's why I play captain's ball with them.

I just hate all the dumb things that go around in the class. It's kinda odd but the pattern is obvious. The two classes I've had problems with in my whole life are my pri6 class and my current poly class. And know what the two have in common? I'm the only Malay guy in both classes and (I'm not bragging, just pointing out the similarities. Ignore this pont if you want) I'm in the upper regions, I would say, of the academic rankings.

I don't care if you guys speak Chinese in front of me. I don't give a damn even if you actually speak English. It helps that you guys actually speak Chinese 'cause it's easier for me to tune you guys out. I just can't understand the cliques in the class. To be frank, I just can't understand cliques at all. If you're going to be with this guys for a long period of time, why ignore them? You are stuck with that person. Exploit their talent 'cause that's what you have to do to survive. Mix around. Get to know them. Understand them. Exploit the flaw. It's that simple.

Sure, I too don't mix around with one or two in the class but I sure as hell don't get pissed off when I have to work with them in groups. Too bad, I'm stuck with them. Why not just go with the flow and live off each other 'cause there's nothing much you can do. That's life. Take control of what it has given you. One word : Exploitaion. It's the key to life.

Not exploit like peadophiles or blackmailers do you dumb motherfucker. Know what that person is good at and use it to your advantage. At the same time, take care of them so they take care of you. Pretty much my plan for poly since day one.

I just learnt abit more about my ancestry the other day while looking through some old photo albums with my brother and mom.

Turns out my father is a descendant of Malay warriors. You know, all the pendekars and bomohs. Medicine men you could call them. My dad had a grandfather who actually cursed (or magically locked) a plot of land somewhere in Serangoon. My bro said it was because of some feud or disagreements. Until now, nothing can be built on that land. I remember my dad showing it to me some time ago as we drove past in the car. It was quite weird. It was pretty much a piece of empty land surrounded by urban development. Only blood descendants are allowed to enter I think (that means people like me and my brother).

My bro told me that the only person who can unlock the land is my dad. All that has to be needed if I'm not wrong is the reciting of some incantations and a bit of blood and the curse should be lifted. Only problem, there is no title deed for the land. So we could lift the curse, but we can't own it.

I kinda felt out of place in the family while looking through the albums. My great-grandfather was a warrior who could kill a goat with just a towel, my dad and his dad were both military men and I'm just me. Then my bro reminded me of something. Now it's not the time to be a warrior in the streets or in the open. Now it's the time of the warrior of academics. Strength not by the hand but strength by the book that sits in the hand. It kinda renewed my willingness to learn as I knew that I wasn't just doing what I wanted to do or what my dad wanted to do, I'm just continuing what my ancestors have been doing all along. Reaching the top with what we knew best. My granddads had their hands, I have my brain.

Warrior by the book, not the blade.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Just came back from the Four4 reunion. Sort of. As in the reunion, not the me coming back home part.

A whole chunk of people were missing. Either couldn't make it or didn't know. Luckily I told Syafiq. Hehe. Four4 would be nothing without the two of us, right Syafiq? (I do need my own moment in the spotlight once in the while)

Halfway, Kenny and Co. went MIA. Probably went off to do their own thing. At least I got to talk to Kenny and Joey. Really miss those times in Four4. We kicked ass like no other. ( Talking about asses, 'First to slap Kai's butt!'. Haha =P )

Wish we could do it again guys. Oh yeah. Marc, we really need to play soccer. Again. I miss beating your ass. Haha. (I seem to be laughing alot. I wonder why?)

On a totally side note, I suddenly felt like screaming today. ( Not like the one at Suntec where I realized Nanthini got 3.9 for her GPA)

I mean like just pure anger and rage. Know what I mean?

I don't know if it's obvious. Maybe it's just my exterior. The 'Virtual' part of VirtuReality. I might seem happy and crazy, but am I really? I somehow feel more intense since Poly started. Not just work hard intense. Emotionally intense. I've been feeling rage in a way I've never felt before. Not even Sec4 pissed at people rage. I'm actually channeling my anger into something productive. It could be the music. I don't know. I was on the way to City Hall and I suddenly felt like going 'ARGH!' like Matt from Bullet For My Valentine does on the opening of 'Her Voice Resides'. Tests just ended and holiday is coming. Maybe I just need another outlet to vent my rage.

On another side note,

I'm not being racist or anything but Chinese kids, please, know what you're saying. Not even just Chinese kids. Some other kids of other races do it too.


No. It does not mean that you're feeling depressed or anything. Emo is a subgenre of hardcore punk music.

That's what is on wikipedia. But I'm not just going to use a dumb resource to prove it. Emo is music. It is just like punk(there too are people who like to use this term freely) or metal. Don't go around saying you are feeling Emo. It makes no sense. Go cut yourself with a rusty blade or something if you're feeling so emotional.


Here's another one. You do not call the person 'punk' unless he has something against the government or huge corporations. You do not call the person punk because his hair is spiked.

Punk is anti-establishment. Tell me you hate the government, give me a good reason why and I'll call you a punk. That always comes first. I'm not talking about pop-punk or any sub-genres even though they do carry messages of rebellion. I'm talking about pure punk. Black Flag, Rancid, DRI. These bands.

So hate the government, know why, try to do something about it. Make a difference.

Oh yeah, 2,900 soldiers died in the fight for Iraq and the situation is getting worse. That's 2,900 families. These death could affect over 100,000 people for all you know. Think about it. Why?

That's it. I'm done. Get out of here.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

oh no...

My goodness...I just realized we're already in December. I thought it was still early November. Argh...

School is getting to me. Now I'm contemplating whether or not to e-mail Gary Lim informing him that I want to be part of the software apps team. Projects are piling-up so if I commit to WSS I'll be setting myself up for tough times. Come to think of it, since I am more interested in business, why commit to IT? If I do get opportunities from WSS, they'll most probably be in IT.

You might ask 'Why did you take Business Informatics if you were interested in business all along?'.

The answer? Because I was just curious. Simple as that. I still have plenty of opportunities in business IF I maintain my 3.7 GPA. It dosen't seem impossible at this moment but....

There are always the buts. I need to maintain focus if I am ever going to get to University. God help me please....

If Syafiq hates PW, then my equivalent of that would be hating OOP or any other form of programming. Bleargh...

Here's something random. Join in if you want to.

Point of time you THINK(not KNOW but THINK)that you're in : Early November

The weirdest thing that happened to you recently : Lately I seem to be drifting to the left when I walk. Too much Need For Speed I think.

Your most random thought lately : How do you wash a strainer?

Feel like : Just beating random people up

Know that : This is just temporary

Want to : Help my class out. I just don't know how

Need to : Take a break

Have to : Get a new memory stick

Wish to : Have enough cash for Friday

I repeat : This is just random. No harm or pun was intended. I don't think there was any in the first place.

Ok. Now back to the fake world. Oops. 'Real' world I mean. But it's still fake as hell.

Here's something I picked up off of someone's MySpace.

I did not rig this in anyway. This is what the facial recognition system returned to me. I too was surprised but at the same time felt abit proud. Who knew? Haha.