Tuesday, August 23, 2005


whew...that was a close one...i was tryin to sign in when blogger.com told me that my javascript and cookies were disabled...couldn't access it for a while...but i followed blogger.com's instructions and managed to pull through...juz installed yahoo toolbar also...my com was being flooded by spyware...fuck these advertisers man...they're screwing my com over...but that's all over...now i can surf with much more ease...

well...today was not a good day...got angry at my form teacher(let's call this person mc)...mc was supposed to return full chem paper on the first monday after prep prelims...returned only mcq...fine i said...at least it's still sumting...

found out that i fucked up the paper...nvm...only prep prelim...

ok, back to story...mc takes 5 blocks to go through not even half of mcq...this is the process...

she looks at the qn > looks at list that shows no. of ppl who got rite or wrong for qn > dosen't care abt no. of ppl who got it wrong even if it is only two ppl > painstakingly spends time to go through all the wrong options first while constantly nagging us not to commit the same mistake > finally moves on to correct option and explains > targets the ones who got wrong and keeps questioning them on their understanding of the question > moves on to next qn and the cycle continues > (note: the part where she explains wrong options onwards before she moves on to the next one can be repeated within the same qn)

i dunno whether u guys noe wat i mean...but i tink u guys shld be able to understand it after some time...

lemme make a few comments...dosen't mc realize that answers in mcq are rather self-explanatory???i mean, it can only be one option...so juz get on to the reason why that particular option is right godammit...if anybody has any queries let them ask themselves cos everybody seems to understand...if the guy's an idiot and dosen't ask then it is his fuckin problem...or if mc cant possibly break away from explainin all the options then at least do so in a summarized manner...and don't fuckin repeat the same fuckin point...we get it already...

so back to earlier today...mc finally decides to go through paper 2...hasn't finished mcq yet...but nvm...she then takes forever tryin to rush through the paper...had to use jw to continue but still dosen't finish...we were told to take a survey in the com lab at 3...mc takes for-fuckin-ever to go through the questions...she keeps repeating the same points over and over again...i mean, once, teice or thrice is enough...but to repeat it 5-6 times is just absurd...and she keeps on taking forever to write the things out on the board...why don't u juz read the goddamn thing out?we weren't thought dictation for nothing...3 pm finally arrives and she hasnt finished...nanthini tells her its time to go for the survey...with the most pissed-off tone she could muster, she said the paper was more impt...it sounded almost as if she was blaming us for the slow process of going through the paper...wat the fuck? we didn't do anything...y do u sound as if we're in the wrong??this is juz an opinion though...don't get me wrong...everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

came home after the whole survey which started late due to mc's incompetence...came home pissed off that i decided to write this entry...studied a bit of chem...realized i learnt much more than wat was thot in mc's lesson...

this blog is of no offence to mc's pets...i mean there is a reason why she likes u guys...but that dosen't give her the right to look down on the rest...so IF mc happens to read this, please take this as a learnin experience and i hope you took home wif u a wholesome piece of knowledge brought to u by the sublime mind, PSYCHOSIS...