Friday, October 07, 2005


Just got back prelim papers todae...I thot i did my worst...

Turns out it's the best i've done for this whole year...L1R5 : 28 L1B4 : 22...It's still not a good score.I have to admit that.But it's the first time that i have not failed anything.I think that deserves at least some credit.*pats self on the back*

I still have quite a hill to climb considering my target L1R5 is 15.But i have the absolute confidence in myself that i will be able to reach my target.I have to pull up my maths grade which got a severe beatdown after i decided to slack off it and focus on my other subjects.Almost turned out to be a bad move.

The breakdown of my score is on my sidebar under "This Just In" if u're interested in it.

I hope i can get a good L1B4 so that i can get at least a partial scholarship which could lessen the burden on my parents financially.After that it will be all up to me to get my diploma.

Today gave me quite a good chance to study the way people react to things which they no longer have control over.People were anxious to get their papers back with most of them having close to zero confidence in their ability to score.One person in particular is Bryan.If u're reading this Bryan, try to learn something frm this experience.

This was the first time where i had more confidence than Bryan in his ability to score.He thought he had screwed it all up after seeing his humanities and MT go down.It seemed like he was going to break down into tears.Bryan, please learn something here.You know that u tried ur best.So don't be worried about ur score when the people around u are not.Have confidence.

As usual there were people crying.I find there totally no use to cry over something that is already over and done with.It's just pointless.These people should pick themselves up and head for the finishing line with their last bit of energy.Don't waste it on crying.

So for every one taking their O-levels this year, work hard and take care of yourselves.Don't break ur back like Marc.