Saturday, May 13, 2006


Went back to Anderson yesterday for Speech Day. Man, was it fun to see all the guys again. I didn't really give a rat's ass about the speeches. It just felt good to see my old friends and classmates. It was wasted that Pradip didn't come. Which idiot said we needed invitations to get in? You should have just came man. Not a single person there was asked for an invitation.

I managed to get out of having to give the present to the principal. I know I had initially agreed, but I didn't want to have to give it to the new principal. Not that I hate her or anything, but I just didn't know her that well. Fadhil ended up going in my place. Thanks for covering my back bro.

Sat next to Lisda for the whole ceremony. Managed to catch up with her quite abit on school and life. I just realized that JCs call their mid-years summer tests. Sounds kind of dumb considering the fact that the only season we get in Singapore is the monsoon season. Met Syafiq too. His allowance finally got upgraded to 20 a week. I doubt that is still enough to sustain him.

The reception was okay considering that it was free. Syafiq as usual went straight for the food. He obviously hadn't eaten for the whole day. We managed to find a seat with Izzah and Hafifah. It was either the craziest or the noisiest table 'cause those two were laughing like crazy. I can't really remember about what though.

Went back with Syafiq and Hadi. Hadi obviously still dosen't know what he's going to do after the O-levels. Syafiq showed me his workload. I thought Anderson was crazy, but that was just mad.

Can't wait for another Anderson reunion. Gives me a chance to reminisce about the past.