Saturday, July 29, 2006


You know, I admit I've done some stupid things and some bad things especially if its related to school. But I never knew how irritating and dumb some things are until now. So I need to settle some issues now.

I wonder if anybody realizes that even though it's a full class on the system server, it's not exactly so in actuality. Idiots are always running off after tapping their cards. Its fucking unfair. I actually have the dignity to be in the lecture hall. I know I don't always pay attention, but I still work for the attendance. Not like the idiots who simply ride the wave of "Hey! Nobody actually checks whether I'm in class or not. Why not I just skip them?!". You know how fucked up this is? I usually don't swear this much but I'm really damn pissed off by this. I guess it could be alright if you already know the subject like Maths or something, but to actually screw class over just for trivial stuff like playing with dots is really making me want to beat their asses inside out. IF YOU WANT TO SKIP CLASS, HAVE THE BALLS TO NOT TAP YOUR CARD. Then I'll probably slap you silly for thinking that a few minutes of fun is worth your future. Gosh...I'm really pissed angry because of this.

I work hard to survive. Not like you idiots who laugh like retards all day long. Don't screw me over because you're too lazy to sit on cushions in an air-conditioned room. You skip classes and end up coming to me to look for help. Well guess what? Fuck you and fuck your questions. If you dare to come up to me to ask for help, don't even think about hearing from me. Want me to tap your card? You'll have to look for it after I do. I don't care. Guerrila warfare starts now.