Thursday, December 07, 2006

oh no...

My goodness...I just realized we're already in December. I thought it was still early November. Argh...

School is getting to me. Now I'm contemplating whether or not to e-mail Gary Lim informing him that I want to be part of the software apps team. Projects are piling-up so if I commit to WSS I'll be setting myself up for tough times. Come to think of it, since I am more interested in business, why commit to IT? If I do get opportunities from WSS, they'll most probably be in IT.

You might ask 'Why did you take Business Informatics if you were interested in business all along?'.

The answer? Because I was just curious. Simple as that. I still have plenty of opportunities in business IF I maintain my 3.7 GPA. It dosen't seem impossible at this moment but....

There are always the buts. I need to maintain focus if I am ever going to get to University. God help me please....

If Syafiq hates PW, then my equivalent of that would be hating OOP or any other form of programming. Bleargh...

Here's something random. Join in if you want to.

Point of time you THINK(not KNOW but THINK)that you're in : Early November

The weirdest thing that happened to you recently : Lately I seem to be drifting to the left when I walk. Too much Need For Speed I think.

Your most random thought lately : How do you wash a strainer?

Feel like : Just beating random people up

Know that : This is just temporary

Want to : Help my class out. I just don't know how

Need to : Take a break

Have to : Get a new memory stick

Wish to : Have enough cash for Friday

I repeat : This is just random. No harm or pun was intended. I don't think there was any in the first place.

Ok. Now back to the fake world. Oops. 'Real' world I mean. But it's still fake as hell.

Here's something I picked up off of someone's MySpace.

I did not rig this in anyway. This is what the facial recognition system returned to me. I too was surprised but at the same time felt abit proud. Who knew? Haha.