Saturday, November 08, 2008

12:30 AM / 8 November

Well, Obama has won. You know what the funny thing was? Everyone expected him to win, but when he did win it was much bigger than expected. I mean, just remembering Dr. King and his words, Rosa Parks and her actions, it seems like dream come true for Black Americans everywhere. I'm no historian or even an activist for that matter. But there was always that feeling that it was gonna be a turning point in modern history.

And I was looking through the poll statistics and there were some points to note. This was the largest voter turnout in quite some time. I guess all the vote registration campaigns paid off. And that was important. If you have an opinion, it's important to voice it. Especially when it comes down to choosing your nation's leader. But the diversity of his voters was also quite surprising. From what I heard, there was everyone from old people, young people, college-educated white males, people from the reddest red states (i.e. Ohio).

But imagine the scrutiny. He's young, supposedly inexperienced AND the first Black President. The world's in a financial crisis, there are 2 wars going on that is sapping strength from their country, foreign ties are mixed at best. One wrong move and that could be his end. I'm no American, but I just hope the people there just give him a chance.

There is one thing I do know however, he has to take care of his own country before taking care of the world. He may be the leader of the free world, but the free world needs America. Enough blabbering, here's his victory speech. This is what a real rallying speech should sound like.