Sunday, October 19, 2008

12:12 AM / 19 October

Wheee....Today was fun. Went Jalan Raya with all the PBMA peeps. And the great thing? No MRT or bus 'cause there were cars!!!

Hehe. No need to sweat in the hot sun while going to each other's houses. =)

Let's see, the drivers were Fadhil (Mitsubishi Lancer), Amirul (Honda Jazz), Hashir (Volkswagen Golf then switched with a Merc) and lastly Nuurun (Toyota Avio).

The great thing about cars is that we don't have to waste so much time travelling. And thanks to this little convenience, we managed to cover about 11 houses within 12 hours. And there was even time to get lost along the way. =)

Ouh. And I guess I shouldn't be saying this but, we did a bit of racing on the way too. Haha. All I can say is Fadhil is quite good beind the wheel (mainly 'cause I was in his car all the way. Hehe). Okay, I'll admit, Amirul's quite good behind the wheel too.

I think this is a very memorable Jalan Raya 'cause it's the first time we drove around. Hopefully I can join in next year and take my dad's Mazda3 for a spin. Then we'll see who's the top driver...