Friday, January 09, 2009

10:21 PM / 9 January

I guess I better talk about this here since I have nobody to have a proper conversation about this topic. It's about the Israel invasion of Gaza.

I know the invasion is causing a lot of grief for people in that region. Then I get these invites on facebook to be against the invasion of Gaza. But here is the thing. Israel was provoked. Towards the end of the initial ceasefire agreement, Hamas starting firing missiles before it was even over. 

Wait. Don't get ahead of me.

What I absolutely detest is the amount of force used. They are using brute force to get to militants whose locations they don't even know exactly. It's like they're playing blindfolded whack-a-mole. It's just senseless...

But the thing that really riled me was when I saw a mosque in ruins after being attacked. It's just the most heartless thing you can do. Never, ever touch a place of worship. Not a mosque. Not a church. Not a monastery. No. If you do do that, you deserve to be drowned in your own blood.

But I guess that's what you get when you try to advocate peace. See the problem with peace is that to get your point across, you really can't do anything. Not anything that will bear a lot of impact anyway. That's when the military comes in. Which is why I like to say at times that 'War is a sad byproduct of peace". 

Americans fighting on foreign soil with a war-monger at the helm while their own citizens are destroyed by forces of nature. Soldiers should be peacekeepers in the service of their country, not underpaid mercenaries. Build your defences. Spend money on things that make sense. Like taking care of your own people. Fight on your own soil and maybe you could be bigger heroes. Not that I'm dissing the soldiers. Hell no. The shit they go through I hope I never have to do in whatever short lifetime I may have. I salute you. Not your current president.

For conspiracy theorists here's a little something for you guys. Israel is known as an ally of the US. Bush, leaving office soon, will not have anymore control in the situation in the Middle East. How to maintain the troops position in the Middle East? Get Israel to provoke another Middle East Country. Iran is nearby. If they join in the fun and games, voila, we have Korea part II.

Just a little something...

Refuse/Resist by Sepultura at the top right hand corner. Great song. Sorta pseudo protest song for the Tiananmen Square incident that happened in China.

Chaos A.D.
Tanks On The Streets
Confronting Police
Bleeding The Plebs
Raging Crowd
Burning Cars
Bloodshed Starts
Who'll Be Alive?! 

Chaos A.D.
Army In Siege
Total Alarm
I'm Sick Of This
Inside The State
War Is Created
No Man's Land
What Is This Shit?!


Chaos A.D.
Disorder Unleashed
Starting To Burn
Starting To Lynch
Silence Means Death
Stand On Your Feet
Inner Fear
Your Worst Enemy 
