Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9:40 PM /10 September

I guess it's time for another cryptic entry judging by the date. I'm pretty tired but this is what I will say. 

- A day is only a measurement of time. There is no such thing as a bad day. All we have are our downfalls and our uprisings. Mine started about 4 months ago. Both my downfall and my uprising.

- I've let my thoughts consume me before. And the feeling is both scary and exhilirating. You will never know yourself until you leave yourself to feed on itself. Your thoughts, emotions and psyche. I learned that I'm more morbid than I think I am.

- If tormented by demons, they say ending it all is just running away from it. 'They' have never ended anything. Taking yourself may be the only way to face those demons. Where they are tangible and true. Devil be thy name but thy whispers I shall toss in thy face for thou shalt not rid me of my soul or my humanity.
