Friday, May 16, 2008

12:16 AM / 16 May


That pretty much sums up everything that I can think of at the moment. I have barely kicked into school mode and I'm already getting hit left and right with deadlines and tests.

I just realized that I need to make 4 websites for this semester. 1 is an Enterprise project. Another is a J2EE based blog. And the other 2 are websites for Business projects.

And it's even harder considering the fact that I can't leave my laptop on 24/7 or else it'll get marauded by my brother's cats when I leave it alone. And I'll be using Microsoft's Visual Studio, IBM's Rational Software Architect and not to mention Macromedia's Dreamweaver for the sites. Which means more slowness for my computer.


Someone save me.

Or even better, someone help the people in Myanmar and China.

Some punk to get the blood running.

Got The Numbers by Anti-Flag

You push and push a people, what are they to do?
Soon this corporate run government will be through
See, it doesn't represent the people anymore
Big business are the pimps and governments' their whores
We don't need more time to talk over a solution
We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution

We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We’ve got one thing you ain’t got
We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers!

To you the masses are not even human beings
We’re dogs that will be grateful for any scraps you leave
But even dogs will only put up with so much abuse
Keep stealing from us like you are we're gonna let loose
We don't need more time to talk over a solution
We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution

We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We’ve got one thing you don't have
We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers!
We’ve got...we have... we've got the numbers!

We don't need more time to talk over a solution
We know what we need, we need a fucking revolution!!!

We don't need your war machine, or your filthy blood stained dollars
We’ve got one thing you ain’t got
We’ve got, we've got, we've got... got the numbers!